If the back-channel certificates on an existing IdP need to be replaced (e.g., due to the private key being possibly compromised or for any other reason), this sequence of steps does this key replacement without any impact on the IdP users (i.e., login works through all the steps).
These instructions are strongly based on the Shibboleth Project IdP Key Rollover instructions - but elaborate some of the generic steps into easy-to-follow guidelines.
The steps are:
Generate the new keypair on IdP. This can be done by re-running the IdP installer with the renew-cert
argument. The command generates new certificate and private key into separate files (with the .new
suffix); these can be deployed on the IdP as needed. So run the following (assuming the same directory naming convention as in the IdP Installing manual):
cd /root/inst/shibboleth-identityprovider-${IDP_VERSION}
./install.sh renew-cert
to proceedEnter the same pass-phrase (literally: "changeit"
Fix the permissions on the files:
cd $IDP_HOME/credentials
chmod idp.key.new idp.jks.new 600
chown -R tomcat:tomcat .
Wait for the updated metadata to propagate through the federation. To be sure all SPs have loaded the new metadata, wait for 4 hours.
Switch the IdP to use the new certificate:
cd $IDP_HOME/credentials
for FILE in idp.{crt,key,jks} ; do mv $FILE $FILE.old ; mv $FILE.new $FILE ; done
# restart Apache and Tomcat
service httpd restart
service tomcat7 restart
# (use the appropriate service name depending on Tomcat version)